
Bargain on 8th - 12th Dec 17
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Fun. Laughter. Friendship. Happiness. These are all things you will not find in this story. This story is about proving a dear colleague wrong–no matter how high the price.
The Caterpillar contends that only the dimwitted or the certifiably insane can ever be truly happy. Happy in that carefree, abandoned, throw-caution-to-the-wind, type of way. That is why he, and the White Rabbit, must satisfy themselves with being merely content with life. Friendship and happiness is not for them. W.R. disagrees and accepts a wager to prove his point. The drawback to this wager is that it requires him to find ten friends to invite to a party at his house–a party he must remain at for at least three hours to win.
W.R. has never been known for his gregariousness. Nor is he considered the most tolerant citizen of Wonderland. Three hours in the company of creatures he can normally tolerate for less than three minutes at a time, might be expecting too much of the grumpy recluse.

Bargain on 8th - 12th Dec 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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