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Bargain on 9th - 13th Jan 16
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Magento has rekindled e-commerce experience by taking it to a newer and better level. The platform offers incredible features and functionalities that can help you enhance your store capabilities and ring in more ROI to your organization. Magento is an open source, highly flexible and scalable ecommerce solution, and one that most developers prefer to use. If you want to unleash the potential of this ecommerce platform, you need to understand the different functional capabilities that can be derived from this platform. To effectively use Magento, you need to understand the backend, and be able to enhance the backend to improve the store’s functionality.

An understanding of Magento core is required for this purpose. This ebook guides you through the Magento core, and helps you understand it in a refined manner. It also guides you through the process of customizing the core, and adding extensions to the core. You will also receive help in performing most of the activities like adding featured products etc. through the backend with this book. This book offers basic codes, and understanding with respect to customizing the backend of the store.

Bargain on 9th - 13th Jan 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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