
You may have noticed some books have a “Third Party Reviews” heading on their listing, complete with quotes and a link to offsite reviews. This is where you can add them. Please remember 12A (PG-13) content is preferred.

All accepted reviews will be sent out in our weekly reviews roundup email. If the book is on Bookangel, the review will also be permanently linked to from its page.

For authors: If your book has received a review on a blog or publication that you would like to direct attention to, you can use this form to submit a link to the review along with a quote of up to twenty words.  This will be displayed at the bottom of your book page under “Third Party Reviews”. We do tend to limit this to a maximum of ten reviews per book so choose your best**.

For bloggers: If you would like to promote your review or blog, please use the form below to submit a link to the review and quote. If the book is on bookangel, we provide a dofollow link back to your review, and your link will be permanently visible on the book’s page. Otherwise it gets an email mention.

If you have a lot of reviews you would like us to link, or want to review on the bookangel site itself for us, please contact us.

Provide details below, and once the link is approved, it will be linked to on Bookangel booklisting for that book. Note, we don’t duplicate your content – you just get a quote, link and your blogname on the book page.

**NOTE This is to support independent blogs. We do not link to review pages on Amazon, Goodreads, etc. Please link to the page on the site with the review, not a homepage as we do have to check that the review exists before putting it up.

Please use the form below to submit your Third Party Review to us.

Your Name:

Your Email:


Blog Name:

Blog URL:

Rating: (Optional)

Extract: - Please give a quote from the review (20 words)

