Long Term Bargain eBooks
Author: Genre: Length: Short Story

Bargain on 22nd Dec 16
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A Proven, Step-By-Step Solution To Healing Plantar Fasciitis and Putting The Fire Out For Good

This month only, get this upcoming Amazon bestseller for just $0.99. Regularly priced at $2.99. Read it on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

Holy Crap Batman! What the hell is wrong with my foot?

You are about to discover that Plantar Fasciitis, or ‘PF’ as we runner’s call it is a motion and impact related injury that strains, (i.e. creates micro tears) in the plantar fascia ligament in the bottom of your foot. The micro tears cause inflammation of the connective tissue at or around the sides of the heel bone that can make a runner’s life absolutely miserable. This is a nasty injury that no one wants to have and most if given the choice, would gladly give it to their dog rather than suffer thru the discomfort it dishes out.

This book will introduce you to my story, of how I incurred the injury and what I needed to learn to properly care for it. If you are a long distance runner like I am and are suffering from ‘PF’, then you will want to read this book as it was written by a 25 year running veteran who was bitten by it one Saturday morning while doing a 12 mile training run.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn . . .

My Story – How A 25 year running veteran incurred the injury while doing hill running

How To determine what you did to cause the injury

How the physics of heel strike running can cause the injury

How the injury affects the foots’ internal structures

The three phases of ‘PF’, (Going from minimal to acute pain)

Strategies on how to put the fire out regardless of which phase you are in

PF rarely gets better by itself and often can get so bad that you have to do something about it. Make a decision, take action now and download your copy of this Kindle book!

Bargain on 22nd Dec 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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