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Over 30 Easy, Delicious, Alkalinizing & Super Healthy Smoothies!

It is time to take your health to the level it deserves, full of energy, in balance without fatigue and bad mental health

The power of nutrient-dense and alkalinizing smoothies is nothing but amazing. So many of us are deficient in vitamin and minerals which directly affects our mood, energy and well-being.

These smoothies do not only promote weight and fat loss, but will help your body prevent and reverse many diseases and bring your body back to balance, to the state it’s supposed to be and thrive in.

An alkaline environment is the most suitable environment for our body to function optimally. However, did you know that the modern diet (high in sugar and processed food and low in fruits and vegetables) is considered acid forming, and this could be responsible for various complications you could be battling now? In fact, evidence suggests that such a diet can overwhelm your body’s’ ability of excreting excess acid. While your body may attempt to excrete excess acid through body fluids, there is a limit, which once surpassed negatively affects your metabolism. Once your body can no longer perform the necessary cleansing processes, you are likely to experience symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, irregular levels of blood sugar, premature aging signs such as wrinkles and immune deficiency among others. Worst still, these symptoms can progress to chronic health conditions such as kidney stones, insulin resistance, diabetes, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.

So what is the way forward? The only solution is to eat alkalinizing foods to create a suitable environment for your body to function. This is where the alkaline diet comes in. The alkaline diet is critical as it informs you the foods to avoid and those to eat in order to create the perfect environment for your body to function.

Don’t take your health for granted, embrace a life without aches, pains, obesity and depression. Changing your nutrient intake is one of the fastest and best ways to live your life to its fullest, with more energy, a slimmer body and overall increased well-being.

This book will focus on foods especially green smoothies that you need to start drinking in order to reset your body and create an alkaline environment.

Remember, you are what you eat and drink.

Bargain on 13th - 17th Feb 18
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