This book has lots of actionable information that will help you to become a dominant leader and achieve massive success in every aspect of your life.
You already know that in any group of beings, animal or human, the Alpha has the highest rank in the hierarchy. Have you ever wondered why in every pack of wolves, there is one that stands out from the rest; the one that leads the others, decides where they will hunt, rest, who eats first, who gets to mate with the females etc.
Humans have a lot in common with wolves especially given that we live in social settings. Naturally, there has to be a social hierarchy for there to be order! In every human pack, there is always the alpha wolf kind of a man. That alpha male that seems to know the right thing to do at the right time and never seems unsure of himself. That male who enjoys all the success, attracts the best women, and seems to clinch every leadership position available.
You can be the alpha male who lives the life most others only dream about, enjoys all the successes one can have in life, and exudes confidence and that dominant leadership acumen in every group. This book will take you on a wonderful journey to the alpha world where Beta males become alpha males. You will learn the dos and don’ts of the alpha male, an alpha male’s body language, why alphas are different from every other male, and what makes them alpha.
This book is a gold mine of techniques you can adopt to grow from the male you have always been and into the alpha everyone will look up to for motivation, inspiration, and direction.
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