Long Term Bargain eBooks
Author: Tags: , Length: Novel

Bargain on 18th - 22nd Feb 18
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The world of the near future. Dictatorships still exist. One such place is America. The America of the past is not the America of the future.

Fear and uncertainty has led to a leader for life who has taken control of everything. Every business, private organization and even religion is under his control. The common apathy has led to austerity. Control is tenuous at best, but it will be maintained, at any and all costs.

Taylor Scott, scientist desires to turn his experience creating military technology into an ambitious humanitarian project that will alleviate the shortages and improve life for the citizens by creating a semi-intelligent beast of burden capable of performing agricultural tasks. Plentiful food, better quality of life for the citizens and reduced fossil fuel consumption are the benefits.

However, the leader for life has another plan, a sinister purpose for the beasts. His operatives on the inside modify the experiment and steal Taylor’s intellectual property to create a beast that is battle ready and can wield the power of the leader without reservation and with no remorse.


No, cold calculation.


No, total domination of the populace is within grasp.

Taylor continues the experiment with the help of fellow scientist, Christine Summers who shares his interests and their interest in each other grows. Unknown to them, their subject will not be the work beast they intended. No, he will be much more.

The experiment is a success, and their creation is not alone.

Taylor and Christine must now destroy what they have created. Pursued by their experiment and the leader, they join forces with the freedom fighters and help them win their liberty from tyranny and its unfeeling beasts of war.

Playing God has its consequences.

Asterion blends science fiction into a political techno-thriller set in a dystopian world that while still distant, is on the horizon of time.

Bargain on 18th - 22nd Feb 18
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