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Author: Tags: Length: Novel

Bargain on 21st - 25th Dec 15
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What’s so bad about chemicals, anyway? How can you not only prevent your exposure to their destructive effects, but find products that actually give you and your family a dose of nutrition every time you brush your teeth, give yourself a facial, or shave? Trina Felber, RN, BSN, MSN, CRNA is dedicated to preventing disease through education and by offering you a richly nutritious option for commercial skincare-her organic, natural Primal Life Organics skin-food products. This book, based on her years of medical experience and the Paleo lifestyle will show you what she discovered and how to spot many of the destructive chemicals that are part of our everyday life and that damage our cells, creating the physiological system failure that creates disease. And then she’ll show you how paying attention to what you put on your skin is as important as what you put into your body, how to detox, and how to give yourself and family the best, from pregnancy through aging. Well-fed skin is radiant and glowing and by adjusting your skin-diet and incorporating these simple and easy changes to your skincare routine, you can have the beautiful skin you desire.

Bargain on 21st - 25th Dec 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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