Time is running out for Izzy with Darien breathing down her neck, and she is convinced that she will live out the remainder of her days in misery. Yet, in her despair, she finds hope and love. But those things are difficult to keep for anyone with the surname of Auckley.
When Melina becomes impregnated with the child of a vampire ? something that was thought to be impossible ? those around her know that she is in grave danger. A foe from long ago resurfaces to stake his claim, not only on Melina but her unborn child as well.
While Blake struggles with the reality of Melina’s predicament, new revelations, old secrets, and fresh betrayals unfold before their very eyes.
Presents for Raymond: And Other Christmas Horror Stories (Short Horror Stories)
Flashes of Fright: Thirteen 1,000-Word Horror Stories
Infinite Pieces Volume 1: "The Devil's Punchbowl" and Other Horror Stories
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