This is a true story.
Being lonely is not so much fun. This is how Grandma used to feel every time her family left after a visit. One day, during one of their family visits, Grandma mentions how great it would be to have a puppy; someone she can become friends with and cuddle during the lonely days.
Her grandchildren put their heads together to think of how to make her wish come true. Before long, while Lee is searching through the internet, Grandma sees a photograph of a puppy that she feels is looking straight at her through the screen. That was the puppy she wanted! But when they arrive at the puppy’s home, she is not there.
Will Grandma find Linda? Will she take her four-legged friend home with her on that day?
This wonderful, true story with delightful illustrations, for children aged three to eight shows us that not all soul-mates are people. Indeed, some have more legs than two!
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