Customer loyalty is really at its core about developing a culture in your business which rests on certain pillars that will serve your business for many years to come. This is why I’ve chosen to write on this topic, in order to encourage a more long-term approach that really adds value and provides to better the health of your business as time goes on.
There has been a lot of talk by many people that customer loyalty is now dead. Those people are more interested and focused on price rather that the brand and experience they have with a certain company. This is simply not true. Fact of the matter is that people have been so overwhelmed with short-term thinking (which denotes pushing sales and advertisements to make the more sales) that they really don’t know which brand or companies to be loyal to.
In this book I’ll be talking about some important facts of what constitutes to customer loyalty and then will provide 4 basic pillars that you could use today to start developing a culture in your company. If you do adopt these, you’ll definitely experience that your customers are likely to come back to you more than go elsewhere. Historically, it’s a known fact that customer retention can serve as a life line to your business.
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