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Author: Genre: Length: Novella

Bargain on 18th Dec 16
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What if I were to share a real life story with you about a guy that skipped college to be a ski bum at 18 years old and a few years later went on to create a company that would employ thousands of people and blow through nearly one-billion dollars?

And with the benefit of hindsight you get to feel what I felt and see the flaws in my thinking as I peel back the curtain over 17 years of success and failure. In Find the Blindspot, 7 Keys to Getting Rich and Staying Rich for Entrepreneurs, I’ll tell you how I started a business that went from zero to $75 million dollars in five years. Just me in a one room office to over 1100 full and part-time employees and I did it all with no experience or startup capital.

My goal is to help you identify your own blind spot and shine a light on it before it can do any damage to you and your business. You will discover some inspirational messages around money and finding your dream job.

If you want to learn how to get rich and keep everything that goes with it—your lifestyle, social status, freedom to do what you want when you want to and not suffer a level of stress and agony experienced only in your worst nightmares, you should read this book. Warren Buffett says only a fool wouldn’t want to learn from someone else’s mistakes. Do yourself and your family a favor and read Find the Blindspot today. Get inspired to do it better and then pay it forward.

Bargain on 18th Dec 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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