
Bargain on 13th Dec 16
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What would you do to save your child?
What lengths would you go to, in order to ensure their safety?
What crimes would you be prepared to commit?
Jerry Foster is an investment banker, married to Miranda and with two well-adjusted children. They seemed to have it all, until one night their son, Alexander, goes missing from a club.
After a year of futile searching the family give up their son for dead and hold a memorial service in his honor.
Years pass and the family adjust to having lost Alexander, until one night, six years later, when their daughter Hailey discovers her brother, bruised and beaten and missing a finger, lying on the front porch.
He has no recollection of the last six years, but there is something even more worrying. A note, left with him, simply read ‘we did it once, we can do it again.’
Now Jerry must face the prospect that Hailey is the next target of a ruthless kidnapper, who now demands that he steals a fortune in investment money. Jerry believes that he is prepared to do anything to protect his daughter, but just what he will have to sacrifice will test his family to the limit.

Bargain on 13th Dec 16
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