
Bargain on 11th - 16th Jun 24
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Discover the power of integrative therapy and embark on a journey of personal transformation!

This book challenges traditional divisions in therapeutic approaches and explores the potential of combining multiple vectors to create a comprehensive and integrated therapeutic system.

Unveil the benefits of this book by exploring key themes and approaches in integrative therapy. Addressing the evolving landscape of therapy, it emphasizes the importance of integrating different methods and highlights the philosophical foundation of acceptance, borrowing, and coexistence with other therapeutic approaches.Immerse yourself in the world of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), cognitive styles, neurological levels, and integral philosophy, among other concepts.Explore practical methodologies such as shifting negative thinking, creating rapport, and using linguistic patterns to facilitate positive change.Unlock the transformative power of anchors, personal narrative change, and submodalities.Gain an understanding of maps of the world and the metamodel for effective communication.Delve into the practice of integral living and stages of human development according to renowned theorists.

This book is suitable for therapists, consultants, students, and individuals interested in personal growth and self-improvement. By reading this book, you can expand your therapeutic toolkit, enhance your understanding of human development, and apply integrative techniques to facilitate personal transformation.

Embrace the power of integrative therapy and unlock your potential for personal transformation. Esteemed authors, experts in this field, invite readers to explore the depths of integrative therapy and actively engage in the process of self-discovery. Take action now and embark on a journey of personal growth and development.

Start living the best life possible by picking up your copy now by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top before the price changes.

Bargain on 11th - 16th Jun 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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