Bargain on 2nd - 6th Jan 18
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Can’t lose weight? Can’t stick to a diet? Can’t stand being hungry all the time?
Intermittent fasting is the answer!
NEWSFLASH: You’ve been lied to by the people who make money off your poor health!
Intermittent Fasting isn’t a “diet.” It’s a way of life!
I’ll teach you how to change your habits so you’ll stop piling on the weight and make losing it far easier.
Learning to fast is the greatest thing I’ve ever done for my body and mind. I’ve discovered what works and why. I’ve lost over 100 pounds (45kg) thanks to intermittent fasting AND kept it off! This book will give you all the details you’ll need to turn your body into a fat-burning machine.
Why being fat causes depression and excessive hunger.
Why short-term diets usually don’t work, but intermittent fasting does.
Why eating excessive carbohydrates and 3+ meals a day wrecks your metabolism over time.
What you should consume during a true “fast.”
The truth behind the “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” myth and why it’s a waste of time and money
How fasting will increase your happiness and productivity.
How fasting helps prevent cancer and eases chemotherapy.
Helpful intermittent fasting tips for women.
How to combine fasting and exercise to supercharge fat loss AND muscle gains. Yes, you can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time!
My super secret “hack” shortcut to daily fasting and quick fat loss.
It’s all here, and it will serve you for life!
Bargain on 2nd - 6th Jan 18

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