
Bargain on 26th Apr 24 - 1st May 24
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Are you searching for your purpose in life? Do you feel like you have no idea what direction to take?

I believe each of us was born with a purpose to fulfill.
Some see their purpose clearly set out before them.
But a great many of us struggle to answer the fundamental question: Why am I here?

Do you worry that you will never find your answer? Without it, will you
know what it feels like to be passionate about life, and to feel the joy of
getting up every morning, knowing you are doing what you were always
meant to be doing?

You hold in your hand the key to discovering your purpose. The
resources I have created will help you discover your deepest truth, your
passion, and your joy.

Learning to Shine: A Guide to Unlocking Your Purpose is filled
with tips, exercises, and advice that will help you:

? Get clarity
? Work out what you want and what you don?t
? Understand the importance of knowing your purpose
? Use your time wisely
? Use your values to enrich your life
? Cultivate a positive attitude
? Plan your future
? And more?

I will take you step-by-step through a journey of self-discovery. You will
learn ways to tune into your deepest truth, build confidence and courage,
and conquer the fears and limitations that may be stopping you from
reaching your full potential.

With this book you can set yourself on the path to success, happiness and
true fulfillment!

Bargain on 26th Apr 24 - 1st May 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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