
Bargain on 1st - 6th Sep 24
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In this book, Gen. Kulhavi reveals much of his public and private life, sharing essential wisdom and knowledge through a series of intimate conversations with me, Dr. Don Steele. In addition, I conducted many interviews with others who have been a significant part of John?s life.

John Kulhavi and I were roommates at Central Michigan University (CMU). I earned my bachelor’s of science and master’s of arts degrees from CMU and my PhD from the Ohio State University. John earned two bachelor?s degrees, a teaching certificate, and a Reserve Officers? Training Corps (ROTC) commission as second lieutenant. We were also Phi Sigma Epsilon fraternity brothers.

John and I embarked on very divergent career paths after completing our undergraduate degrees at CMU. He entered the military after he earned his second lieutenant bars through the CMU Reserve Officers’ Training Program (ROTC). While serving as a helicopter pilot in Vietnam, he flew over three-hundred combat missions. Throughout his military career, he earned two Distinguished Flying Cross Awards, a Purple Heart, a Legion of Merit award, twenty-two Air Medals, a Bronze Star, and sixteen other awards. John also earned his Master Aviator Wings. The capstone of his military career was earning the rank of brigadier general.

After John retired from the US Army, he served in the Army Reserve and became a financial advisor for Merrill Lynch. While at Merrill Lynch, he created the first financial advisory team in the brokerage industry. How this happened is very interesting.

Bargain on 1st - 6th Sep 24
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