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Bargain on 20th - 22nd Sep 15
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The purpose of this book was to guide Paleo beginners and show them how easy eating and living Paleo can be. There is no pre-arranged formula, which will tell you exactly how much to eat when. Stone Age man was no mathematician or scientists; they didn’t rely on macronutrient ratios or had to choose between grain fed meat and the grass-fed variety. Paleo as a diet and lifestyle choice is all about following your own Paleo Code, which you will be able to form once you’ve settled into the diet and feel confident enough to take charge of your Paleo journey. This happens only when you’ve set your goals and know what you need to do to achieve those goals. For example, if you want to lose weight using Paleo, you need to map out your daily routine in a food diary, including what you’ll eat and your activity levels that should help you lose weight. The best things to do are to listen to your body’s response and accordingly make tweaks in the diet to what you eat.

Start by cutting out all the non-approved Paleo ingredients for 30 days at least and see how you feel when you reintroduce some of the grey area foods, which aren’t deemed that harmful to human body. This does not include gluten and grains because as an ingredient gluten will always be harmful to the human body in one form or another. But don’t fret because Paleo is nothing if not flexible. You can use Paleo substitutes to recreate all those foods you crave and were used to having before you changed over to Paleo. After the initial adjustment period, you’ll find yourself more cheerfully accustomed to it because you’ll start seeing results! This is what eating and living Paleo is all about, getting healthy and maintaining those optimum health levels; don’t be unhappy if you fall off the wagon and revert to bad habits, just try and learn from your mistakes and try not to repeat them the next time. Enjoy Hundreds of Mouth Watering Paleo Recipes!

Bargain on 20th - 22nd Sep 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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