
Bargain on 7th - 12th Sep 24
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Pennies from Heaven for Kevin is a remarkable story of a man whose life spiraled out of control after the death of his two-year-old son, Kyle. Blaming himself and ridden with pain and guilt, Kevin went on a downward path spending a total of seven years locked up in nineteen different jails and prisons, along with numerous rehabilitation centers over twenty years for alcohol and drug addiction.

At one treatment facility, Kevin found a penny on his nightstand. The year of the penny was the year Kyle was born. Money was not allowed at the facility and, in that moment, the spirit of Kyle filled Kevin?s heart. Through all the subsequent rehabs and incarcerations, Kevin would find pennies, even in solitary confinement, and he would know his son was with him, most importantly, he knew he would see Kyle again someday.

Kevin wrote the first draft of his story in 2013, just before he went into prison for the last time. Putting his story on paper made it real and taught him how self-centered he had been and how he had blamed everyone and everything to avoid looking in the mirror. His life began to change the day he stopped asking God why his child was taken from him and finally got on his knees and asked God to lead him in the direction of a new and healthy life.

In this book, you will read about the depths of desperation and pain from a devastating loss that one man went through and his road to recovery. The author hopes it will show you that there is help available and provide you with the certainty that there is a God and Heaven and that you will see your loved ones again. In the meantime, they can send you signs to let you know you are not alone.

Bargain on 7th - 12th Sep 24
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