
Bargain on 19th - 24th Jul 24
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Can a Graverobber?s Defiance Shatter an Empire?

The Great Tomb of the Pharaoh Khufu, a monstrous thing in pyramid shape, dominates all Egypt.

The labor of thirty years by an entire kingdom, the Tomb is the confirmation of the superiority of the 4th Dynasty over all the rulers who came before. And the monument in whose shadow the generations of Khufu?s heirs will forever shelter against any who would seek to overthrow them.

No graverobber would dream of attacking the Great Tomb. It is ringed by temples of dedicated priests, guarded by the regiment that had protected Khufu in life, and defended by the ingenuity of legions of architects and the curses of a dozen gods.

Yet its very prestige may be its undoing. For if the Tomb could be violated within weeks of Khufu?s internment, its entire meaning would be negated, proving to the world that even with the expenditure of such labor, treasure, and cunning, the new Dynasty is unable to protect their dead.

So for those who have chafed under Khufu?s iron fist, the first blow of their rebellion must not be against flesh. But against stone.

The rebels soon find the man they need: Dahshur, an experienced graverobber who has broken a hundred tombs. A man who despises priests, mocks kings, and has nothing but contempt for the magics woven to protect the dead. An atheist in the Land of the Gods.

As the new Pharaoh?s army strikes the rebels in Upper Egypt, Dahshur?s team moves against the Tomb. And they succeed in breaking through. Only to find themselves enmeshed in dark plots, diabolic traps, and the growing, terrifying certainty they have unleashed the wrath of the gods.

PHARAOH?S MOUNTAIN is a stirring, fast-paced action novel following the raiders through the actual passages and chambers of the Great Pyramid, offering staggering new perspectives on some of the pyramid?s darkest mysteries.

Bargain on 19th - 24th Jul 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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