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Bargain on 16th - 20th Oct 13
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John Caterham: “Desforges is the master of the cliff-hanger ending and the throat-grabbing opening line. You desperately want to stop reading and make a cup of tea, but the next chapter opener grabs your attention and before you know it you’re whisked into the story again.”

Discimus: “This is an outstanding book and bodes well for a (hopefully long) series -there are plenty of options available. The strength of this books lies in the excellent characterisations – Pippa has elements of Margo from ‘The Good Life’ and some of the Met Officers would not have been out of place in ‘Ashes to Ashes’. Other strengths come in the plot lines and also the brilliant dialogue between the various characters. Some authors shy away from snappy interaction in favour of tedious narrative; not here. There’s much humour and, I would like to think, tongue-in-cheek writing.”

Acclaimed UK best-selling author Saffina Desforges (Sugar & Spice has now sold over 250,000 copies and been downloaded a further 75,000 times for free) brings you a sensational new crime thriller series. The Rose Red series takes British crime thrillers in a new direction, with fast-paced, action-packed detective fiction, each based on the theme of a classic fairy tale. Described as ‘Ashes to Ashes’ meets James Patterson’s ‘Women’s Murder Club‘.

Snow White ~ Book one of the Rose Red series : Cass ‘Red’ Rose is a tough female senior detective in London’s Metropolitan Police. Most coppers go home at night and forget about it. Not so easy when your partner is a leading criminal defence lawyer. As one fights to put them away, the other tries to get them off.

A priceless artefact is stolen en route from the Louvre to the Victoria & Albert Museum and now the mysterious Queenie wants The Hunstman to get it back. For Red the case is a distraction from the more pressing matters of vicious gangs terrorising the London estates, but when Red’s boss and mentor is targeted by The Hunstman things get personal. Very personal. Set in modern-day London, Snow White is a fast-paced, gritty urban thriller that will leave you wondering whether fairy tales really do have happy endings.

Book 2: Rapunzel is out now!
Book 3: Beauty & the Beast is coming soon!
Book 4: Little Red Riding Hood is coming soon!

Rose Red Rhymes – a series of related crime thriller short stories. Ring-a-ring o’ roses and The Night Before Christmas ~ Out now! Look out for more, coming soon! All books and short stories are part of the series, but each can be read as a ‘stand alone’.

Bargain on 16th - 20th Oct 13
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