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Discover How To Achieve Your Goals With Self Discipline

Self-discipline is something many of us struggle with. It?s a learned behavior which most people, if the truth be told, are not particularly well-versed in maintaining. It takes work, planning and holding yourself to the promises you?ve made to yourself.

It?s always easier to take the path of least resistance. We all know that. But is what?s easy what?s best for you? Is what?s easy going to get you where you want to be in life?

The short answer to that is ?no.? You and I both know it.

So how do we go about breaking habits which are undermining our ability to govern ourselves to a higher standard? Work. Yes, that four-letter word we tend to avoid at all costs is right there in the middle of strategizing around infusing your life with more discipline.

You don?t have to be the drill sergeant in Full Metal Jacket to develop your ability to model better self-discipline. But you do need to raise the bar for yourself and then, you need to be honest when you fall short of the higher standards you?re holding yourself to.

Working at self-discipline is a process of self-examination, self-revelation and making a growing commitment to setting achievable goals as you get better at it.

Rome wasn?t built in a day and neither is the ability to know when you?re selling yourself short by lollygagging, procrastinating and other time-wasting, goal-shattering pursuits. It takes time to develop new ways of doing this thing called life. You?re going to stumble and fall along the way. Then, you?re going to get up, dust yourself off and keep right on going.

Because that?s what self-disciplined people do.

This book is going to suggest easy ways to reshape your attitude to life. It?s going to teach you to value the precious time you have on the earth, to more fruitfully use it. By the time we?re done here, you should be feeling a lot better about the way you organize your time and noticing that there?s more time in your life than you believed.

Here’s A Preview Of What You’ll Learn

How To Identify Bad HabitsHow To Overcome Bad HabitsA Simple But Powerful Meditation TechniqueHow to Grow In Confidence and Self-EsteemAnd Much More!

Take action now and get this Kindle book for only $0.99!

Bargain on 1st - 5th Feb 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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