“There’s a 5th one!? How can there be? I’ve destroyed them all! No one could have survived!” Lady Medea, wanted for piracy across the Solar System. DEAD OR ALIVE! ‘We’re still checking our instruments, but it would appear that a black hole suddenly emerged and then just as quickly disappeared. If it’s real this will turn our whole understanding of reality on its head…” Tiree Patel, Chief Scientific Officer of the Royal Observatory. “If I’d known the girls were going to be getting mixed up with pirates, I never would have let them go off on their own. They’re normally so well behaved.’ “Mrs. Blaine, speaking to reporters at the Saurox Dinosaur theme park. Kiki, onboard megabrain, nursemaid and navigator, the Eos. “Hmmmm…” The Tinkerer, tapping a gauge on the Eye in the Sky. The remaining survivors of Lady Medea’s treacherous attack start from ground zero in their relentless pursuit of the 5th Secret. Can they wrench the next key to the puzzle free from the clawing grasp of the pirate Queen? Mystery piles on mystery with no solutions in sight and there’s still the small matter of traversing a wilderness populated with more terrifying monsters than anyone has ever encountered before. Can the captivating quest for the Celestial Secrets continue, or did the stunning finale of the 4th Secret place a perfect full stop at its end? There’s only one way to find out and that’s to BUY IT NOW. The action doesn’t let up in this latest episode of the light hearted Astro Saga, the enthralling antidote to computer games, over indulgent tablets and social media. It’s classic science fiction for the young at heart, or even just the young.
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