This book contains some of the most remarkable, compelling, & comforting true stories of people who have had Near-Death Experiences. These people describe finding themselves in Heaven. Their stories are astonishing, and from these stories we are given a glimpse of what really happens to us when we die, of where we go, of what Heaven is really like, and how each and every person who got taken there, simply cannot wait to go back there again. They say it felt like home. It felt like where they truly belonged, and the overwhelming unconditional love they received there was like nothing they had ever known before; total pure all-encompassing love, joy and forgiveness.
Famous Bible Verses: 365 Days to More Happiness, Love, Faith & Spirituality
THE DEPTH OF HIS LOVE: Exploring the heartbeat of God towards the saved and the unsaved
Spiritual Growth through Fasting:: Navigating 14 Spiritual Paths with Purpose Book
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