Long Term Bargain eBooks
Author: Genre: (, ) Length: Novelette

Bargain on 25th - 29th Dec 16
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In this book you will learn the fundamental steps required to achieve everything you want. You will start by learning how to visualize and create your personal vision, which includes all the important components of your life and career; who you want to be, what you want to do, how you want to feel, what you want to own, and with whom you want to associate etc.
Once you have a vision, the next step is to identify your core beliefs that might hinder you from creating the reality that you want. The beliefs about whether your vision is doable or not, whether you can make a living on what excites you the most etc.
The logical step after that is taking inspired action. Not all actions will move you towards your vision, but inspired action will. Inspired action is acting on the things that excite you the most.
Finally, once you have started taking inspired action, you need to allow for manifestation. Allowing for change is sitting back and watching your vision unfold right in front of your eyes.
Included in this book are exercises that will help you:
oClarify your vision
oIdentify the things that give you the ultimate excitement
oLearn to build up the excitement in you
oVisualize your life

You can download the guided audio version of these exercises.

Bargain on 25th - 29th Dec 16
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