Yo Mama Jokes Bible! Truly The Greatest Yo Mama Jokes Collection ever!
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Prepare yourself for the best laughter you have ever had!
Enjoy all these jokes with your friends or by yourself, and learn all the new guns for your future yo mama battles.
This Book Is Filled Up with:
Yo Momma’s so Ugly JokesYo Momma’s so Fat JokesYo Momma’s so Skinny JokesYo Momma’s so Dirty JokesYo Momma’s so Stupid JokesYo Momma’s so Old JokesYo Momma’s so Short JokesYo Momma’s so Poor Jokes
Download your copy today and start cracking up!
If for any reason you are unsatisfied, there is a 100% money back guarantee!
Tags: yo mama jokes, yo mama, yo momma so stupid jokes, yo momma jokes, yo momma, yo momma jokes for kids, jokes, jokes and riddles,