Long Term Bargain eBooks
Author: Genre: Length: Short Story

Bargain on 2nd Dec 16
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Billy and The Lemonade Stand is a wonderfully crafted story that teaches children the value of working hard and dealing with adversity in a positive way.

Billy longs for a red toy airplane that he notices in a store one day while out shopping with his mother but is unsure of how to ask for the money.

“Can I have twenty-five dollars to get a plane I saw at the store? I will help you do dishes for a week.”

Billy’s dad, seeing how bad he wants the toy plane, wants nothing more than to run to the store and get it, but the family cannot spare the extra money right now.

Disappointed, Billy decides that he is going to try and get the money for the airplane on his own. He enlists the aid of his good friends, Mandy and Josh, to help him. Together, the trio set out into the small town of Hillside to open their lemonade stand and see if they can make enough money to get Billy his airplane.

Bargain on 2nd Dec 16
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