“Carved in Stone” is the tenth installment in the Miss Henry Cozy Mystery Series. Juliet Henry received the invitation to San Francisco with all the enthusiasm she would feel for attending a public execution, but her lover, Raphael, seemed to truly want her company so she had accepted the invitation to Paul House and then packed her duffle with dark, wrinkle-resistant clothing and a collection of sketch pads and pencils. But as so often happens when Juliet travels she stumbles into something more sinister than damaged works of art. This time the oddity is down in the crypt which had supposedly been emptied of bodies. The red-headed corpse she discovers is not a new one, but nowhere near old enough to have belonged to the accused witch whose name was carved into the marker on the violated crypt. Solving a sixty year old murder won’t be easy, but Miss Henry is dogged about finding the truth– even when it leads to the darkest of San Francisco’s underground movements in the 1950’s.
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