Long Term Bargain eBooks
Author: Genre: Length: Short Story

Bargain on 4th Dec 16
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The Palace of Ice is beautiful and brimming with gems, but Dale’s learning the hard way that once you enter, you can never leave.

Bargain on 4th Dec 16
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"More fable than horror story, with a mildly amusing twist at the end."

Reviewer: .

Dale Stone finds something unexpected when he climbs a mountain alone. As he stands triumphant at the summit, the snow gives way underneath him. Dropped into a hidden city, he is found by Yurick, a climber who had experienced the same thing several years previously. Yurick had been rescued by the creators of the city, the unhuman Iceneeks, who have all died out leaving their ghosts behind to protect the city and the jewels that lie scattered around. Sensing an opportunity, Dale decides he is not going to be there that long and plans to escape from the city. However, as he does so with a pocket full of jewels the ghosts of the Iceneeks take their revenge for his theft.

The story is well written though brief and you get enough of an idea of the characters to follow why they act as they do. The plot is fairly simple, but does not really come across as a horror story more a fable of why it is bad to steal with the only tension in the book is as Dale is trying to leave with his new found horde. The appearances of the ghosts are neither scary nor frightening although I will admit the twist at the end is fairly amusing.

Overall, its a tale that will happily cover thirty minutes without much effort required

Rating: 3

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