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Gemma at Rainbow Farm – The Beginning is a children’s farm adventure book featuring Gemma, a seven-year-old girl who moves with her family to Rainbow Farm, their new home in the country.

As Gemma goes off to explore the farm she meets a special guide, an old red hen named Carol who takes her to meet all the animals and birds that live on the farm. Gemma is delighted when she learns that not only can the animals and birds to talk to one another, but they can talk to her as well.

Her new friend tells Gemma about the magical farm and all that is possible with the aid of a little magic and some very special friends.

This is the first short introductory book about Gemma and her new home. The next longer installment Gemma At Rainbow Farm. The Next Day is also available on Amazon.


By avidreader

What a lovely story this is. As a mom I am used to reading bed time stories but usually they involve witches,foxes or other mystical characters. It made such a refreshing change to see an old fashioned story come to life in the pages of this book. Never mind the kids wanting to go live at Rainbow Farm. I do too. And I just LOVE the cover.

By Lee (Atlanta, GA)

I read this with my daughter last night and she loved it. It is a very colorful and imaginative story. It certainly sparked her imagination… I woke up this morning to find her having quite a conversation with the dog!

By Christina Haas

I felt like a little kid again reading this book! It was so easy to get swept away on Gemma’s adventures as she explored her new home and met her new “friends.” I can’t wait to see what’s in store for her next.

Bargain on 2nd Dec 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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