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Bargain on 1st - 5th Jul 24
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Good poetry should cause us to age more joyfully: “Follow me off a country road into dense deliverance, away from all things carnal, where mildewed wood chip paths meander through firefly ambiance and unseen moth kisses to a shadow eating burn pit with still moods.”

Youthful wordsmiths ripen into national treasures upon the successful navigation of all four literary crosswinds. Somehow, perhaps more by fate than intention, they manage to remain focused on the true North Star at the junction of each of life’s dirt road intersections, & in so doing; unwittingly pin our hearts to the lapel of their life experiences. Each time we reread their work, we find ourselves feeling more and more a part of their yellowing pages until, at some whimsical point; we wish never to leave them.

Bargain on 1st - 5th Jul 24
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