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Bargain on 28th Dec 16
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This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to stay married in a divorce culture.

The times have changed and more and more people have grown convinced that marriage is a dying institution. With the prevalence of divorce particularly among Hollywood stars and other public figures, the more it has become embedded into the public’s mind that marriage is something that you can easily get into and get out of. Furthermore, studies reveal that having a network of divorced family and friends is likely to influence a person’s probability of getting divorced. So where does that take the couples who are hoping for a marriage that’s built for a lifetime?

In order to prevent the occurrence of divorce, one needs to understand the reasons why marriages break up and what must be done to avoid these causes. The steps to prevent divorce starts not during the beginning of the marriage but before it even starts. That said, it’s never too late to bring back love and trust where it once thrived.

For newlyweds, this book provides useful strategies on how to build a divorce free marriage. For couples who have been married for a long time, this book contains tips on how to strengthen your union. Lastly, for couples who are facing marital problems or are on the brink of getting a divorce, this book shares valuable steps on how to save your marriage. More than that, you will learn the secrets of using effective communication techniques to help make your marriage work and to ensure that it becomes the loving, nurturing, and long-lasting commitment that it should be.

Here Are Some The Topics You Can Expect!

Why do couples get divorced? Is there any way to avoid these causes. We’re newlyweds. Is there any way to make our marriage divorce proof?We’re having marital problems. How do we prevent a divorce?

There is nothing better then acquiring more information to help your marriage/relationship needs than this book.

Bargain on 28th Dec 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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