
Bargain on 21st Dec 16
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Slow Cooking is a great way to prepare healthy and delicious meals without spending all day in the kitchen.

And Now it is even healthier with these Delighfully Tasty Paleo Diet Recipes

Paleo dieting is founded on the principle that our bodies developed and adapted to eating a non-agrarian diet thousands of years ago. You can still see this in modern day Hunter/Gather people.

Paleo cooking is quick and easy. It is simple to understand, and determine what foods should be eaten.

Any food that can be caught or collected is on the Menu…

Ideally, using fresh, hormone free, pesticide free, and non-GMO will produce the highest nutritional value.

You will find in this book some of the most delectable Paleo Slow Cooker Recipes.

Some of these include:

Mongolian Beef

Caribbean Jerk Beef Ribs

Boneless Pork Short Rib Breakfast Tacos

Paleo is tasty, nutritious and so easy to make. Give your body a treat and feed it a Paleolithic diet today!

Give your taste buds and body the healthiest treat they will ever experience…

Get your copy TODAY!

tags: paleo slow cooker, paleo slow cooker cookbook, paleo slow cooker recipes, paleo slow cooker for beginners, paleo, paleo diet, paleo recipes, paleo cookbook, paleo diet cookbook, paleo diet recipes

Bargain on 21st Dec 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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