
Bargain on 15th - 19th Aug 24
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Blondie Simpson lies near death after a violent incident. As her life flashes before her eyes, alternating between past and near-present, she relives the incidents that brought her here, starting a year ago.

She recovers a memory of her mother Moneta assaulting her. She has Moneta charged with the crime, only to realize the memory is false and have her mother cleared. But Moneta’s life is already ruined and she vanishes. Blondie determines to find her, bring her home, and fix the damage she caused. While searching for her, our heroine accidentally discovers that years ago she was part of an underground group of mnemonic thieves who steal memories of the rich and powerful (or “paramours”) for sale to the highest bidder.

Believing Moneta has returned to that life, Blondie follows her footsteps into a dangerous world that will bring them both to death’s door.

Bargain on 15th - 19th Aug 24
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