
Bargain on 2nd - 7th Jul 24
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What if you could place your newborn into cryo-suspension until it was more convenient to bring him or her home?

How much time would you need? One year, five years, longer?

Nora Collins expedites the cryonic preservation of newborn babies for the convenience of their parents. Her job as a successful client liaison at the for-profit, privately operated Postponement Center, requires routine confrontation with outraged protestors voicing disagreement with the chilling reproductive choice now deemed legal by the Supreme Court.

Past child-bearing years herself, Nora inwardly atones for old secrets by living a solitary life. Instead, she develops a questionable, borderline addictive, relationship with the frozen neonates, frequently watching them and communicating with them in their crypod units.

Nora navigates the ethical minefield and morale dichotomy of the postponement practice, which occurs for medical reasons, but mostly because of career or educational obligations, financial aspirations, or due to parental immaturity.

She staunchly believes parents should choose for themselves when the time is right to bring their baby home–until she doesn’t.

After one mother decides to pre-maturely reanimate her son, forcing him into a life-threatening position, Nora struggles with her own dangerous choice–honor the desire of the new mother or save the innocent child.

Bargain on 2nd - 7th Jul 24
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