Long Term Bargain eBooks
Author: Genre: (, ) Length: Novelette

Bargain on 11th Dec 16
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Morgan Delaney is abruptly awoken from a dream of her long-desired wedding by the doorbell. She finds a stranger named Ryder Wentworth at her door, demanding to see her niece, Zoe. He claims to be Zoe’s father, though Morgan believes her father is dead, having died in an alleged plane crash eight years previously before Morgan’s sister, Terry, adopted Zoe.

But Ryder also claims that Terry kidnapped Zoe.

Morgan must decide if her sister is a kidnapper or if this new man presents a threat to the life of an abandoned child. Morgan’s friend, Gia, knows that something dark is chasing the little girl, and there’s no telling who Morgan can trust.

To complicate the matter, Zoe may be one of the most powerful beings in the realm of witchcraft, and no one is sure just how aware of her own power that Zoe truly is. Ryder’s own dark secrets and the truth that demons hope to consume Zoe’s powers only add to the danger that Morgan faces.

But demons are showy creatures, as Ryder explains, so she will know it when one descends upon them. That fact, however, is what Morgan fears most. As these characters come dangerously close to one another, danger grows ever nearer, and the only thing that rivals the heat of their passion for each other is the wrath of whatever or whoever wants Zoe dead.

Bargain on 11th Dec 16
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