
Bargain on 27th Dec 16
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Stick IT! Secrets to Making Powerful Success Habits Stick — Discover How To EASILY Be More Productive, Eat Healthy, Quit Smoking, Lose Weight, Be More Confident And Self-Disciplined. Download Your Copy Today!!

We are creatures of habit. Unfortunately, most of our habits don’t make us very happy.

So how can we change our behavior by learning a new habit and making it stick?

You’ve probably heard the saying “it takes 21 days to form a habit” that’s been circulating for decades.

Would you be surprised to learn that the 21-day habit “rule” is not even based on science? In fact, new research indicates that it takes much longer than 21 days.

For very simple changes, 21 days of consistency could possibly work but to acquire life-transformational habits like eating healthy, exercising, quitting smoking, and being successful, it will require a lot more from you than 21 days.

Getting a habit to ‘stick’ means it has become an action or routine that you no longer have to deliberate about. You no longer have to weigh the pros and cons of doing it. Instead, it becomes an automatic reaction in response to an environmental cue.

Research has found that the most consistent exercisers are those who make exercise a habit triggered by an external cue, such as hearing a morning alarm.

What if you could create an exercise habit that works off an automatic response system to certain environmental cues, where you no longer found it necessary to play mental gymnastics to convince yourself to work out?

How would that impact your health, confidence and overall well-being?

Can you imagine how creating habits that could help you to lose weight, eat healthy, quit smoking, be more positive, react without stress, and be more productive could absolutely transform your life?

In “Stick IT,” you will discover 8 of the most powerful strategies that will help you make successful habits STICK like glue so you can finally become the kind of person you always admired in others.

Are you ready? The next chapter of YOUR life—the most extraordinary life you’ve ever imagined—is about to begin. It’s time to WAKE UP to your full potential…

Bargain on 27th Dec 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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