Long Term Bargain eBooks
Author: Genre: () Length: Novel

Bargain on 29th - 31st May 14
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Lancaster James is scouring ancient ruins of long lost civilizations on distant planets in search of powerful relics that may unlock the greatest secrets of the galaxy.

He is now hot on the trail of an elusive alien race that believed their god was leading them to their “Promised World.” Who they were and what they have hidden away is a mystery Lancaster hopes to solve so he can learn why they disappeared from the cosmos.

He will have to overcome others, however, such as space pirates, gamblers, mercenaries, and corporate armies who want to claim the artifacts for their own wealth and power. He has the knowledge and the education, and a partner named Little Jack; one of the best former corporate spies in the galaxy.

It is a race against time as Lancaster struggles to understand what happened to other life forms in the universe before humans suffer the same fate. Join him on this, and other adventures at:


Bargain on 29th - 31st May 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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