
Bargain on 30th Dec 16
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Saving Money Tips: Best Way To Save And Manage Money

Does money stress you out? Do you have difficulty with saving money? Are you sick of looking at your bank account every day wondering where your money is going? If you are really serious about wanting to learn how to save your money, I can help you!

In my newest book “Saving Money Tips: Best Way To Save And Manage Money,” I give you tips on how to:

  • Find fun ways to spend your day without spending a dime
  • Figure out where your money is going every month and how to change that
  • How to make goals and stick to them without spending money
  • And much, much more.

Ways to save money from the book:

1. Configure how much money you are making monthly. You want to sit down and write all of your monthly bills down on a piece of paper, so you can figure out how much you need to put aside to have all of your bills paid on time.

4. Eating out frequently will definitely have an impact on your bank account. Don’t go out to eat all of the time. Try to limit going to a restaurant for a special occasion only. Look online for coupons for restaurants near you. Call a few places and see if they have any specials running at this time.

9. If your friends want to go out and get a bite to eat. Invite them over instead. Tell them you think it would be a great idea to have a potluck. Everyone bring a dish and you can play games, eat, and have a great time.

23. Look over your cell phone bill. See how many minutes and texts you use on an average every month. If you pay for unlimited, check and see if you really need to pay for unlimited calls and texts. Call your cell phone company that you use and see what other deals they have for less usage monthly.

As you can see, the tips I offer to help you save money are straight to the point. You won’t be wasting your time sifting through a bunch of useless psychological jargon. NO! You’re going to be learning from condensed information exactly on how to save money.

More tips on how to save money:

32. Pay your bills on time. You want to avoid paying late fees if you don’t have to. If you do forget about paying a bill on time, call them and ask if they will consider waiving the late fee. If you have a bad memory and are constantly forgetting about paying bills on different dates see if you can set something up to just have these bills be taken directly out of your bank account every month.

36. Go to your bank or an ATM and take out the money that you will need for the day. Leave your credit cards at home. This will help you not to spend more than you can afford.

Here are a few other things that you are going to learn from the book:

  • Where to find coupons
  • Help with setting aside money for emergencies
  • Tips on paying bills
  • How to save money on gas
  • Places you can go for fun without spending money
  • And much much more…

Buy the book now while it is being offered at a low introductory price; you’ll be so glad you did!

Tags: tips on how to save money, money, frugal living, ways to save money, money management, budgeting, saving money

Bargain on 30th Dec 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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