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Bargain on 8th - 12th Mar 18
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Increase Your Learning Skills!

The benefits of speed reading

Speed reading is a technique vastly used by all sorts of people, or at least attempted by many people. The principle is simple, really. Instead of reading one page per minute, for example, you’ll be reading two pages per minute. 

Imagine the benefit this technique will have when dealing with huge loads of work! Instead of finishing your work in two hours, you’ll finish in one. Moreover, you’ll have more free time to either enjoy other activities or do more work. So for a man, the benefit is undeniable. The amount you’ll learn will double and can even triple when you increase your reading speed. 

Reading is a fundamental part of everybody’s daily lives. Whether you are a pupil, a student or a worker, reading takes an incredible amount of time in your day-to-day activities, and I’m sure everyone has at least once wished they could increase their reading speed in order to dedicate less time to their homework or to achieve more in a work day.

What you will find in this book:

Speed reading exercises and methods

Mental strategies

Superfood for speed reading

Benefits of speed reading

And more!

Bargain on 8th - 12th Mar 18
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