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A Simple, Proven, Easy Guide to Understand Food Addiction and Get Rid of It Once and for all

Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

I’m going to provide you with a guide that will teach you strategies on stop overeating and beating a food addiction or any other eating disorder, explained in a simple way and proven to work in a short period of time.

This is a problem that affects millions of people worldwide who live lives they hate because it destroys their self-esteem, health and happiness and, although they recognize they have a problem, they don’t have and can’t find strategies to end it. Most of this people have simply just given up because they are tired of trying magic formulas or advices from everyone and will simply tell themselves it’s impossible to change because the problem is a part of who they are.

No one should feel this way and I promise that when you finish this book you will start a new life. You just have to understand your problem and follow all of the simple tips you’ll find inside.

Discover how to identifiy the signs that show if you or someone you know have a food addiction or some other kind of eating disorder. You will also learn many facts about eating disorders and their negative consequences, on the physical side of people’s lives but also on the emotional and psychological part. You will find out the most common eating disorders and their implications, on the lives of the people who suffer from the illness but also on everyone around them, specially friends and family.

One of the most important things you will learn are the causes for the development of a food addiction or other eating disorders, which is particularly important so you can know what behaviors to avoid and help people close to you stay clear of.

Breaking from a food addiction has some similarities with breaking from other addictions but also some differences and in the book you will be taught several steps to easily start living a healthier life and keep being healthy forever.

When you’re done reading the book you will be able to alleviate cravings using simple techniques, practice eating slowly and enjoying more of your meals, without the bad part of being full and feeling guilty.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

The Facts on Food AddictionCommon Causes of Food AddictionSocial Pressures and Food AddictionBreaking a Food AddictionDealing With Cravings the Mindful WayMuch, much more!

Download your copy today!

Take control of your life, health and happiness!

Tags: overeating, food addiction, compulsive eating, emotional eating, binge eating, mindful eating, bulimia, anorexia, food cravings, eating disorders

Bargain on 30th Dec 17
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