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Bargain on 30th Dec 16
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Transform Beliefs Transform Life: A universal method for creating lasting personal transformation and change

In this book you will learn one proven universal method to change habits, patterns, addictions and beliefs at a root level. You will not learn 49 other ways of changing your life in a jiffy. In a straightforward practical manner, I will teach you:
How to understand your subconscious mind, and why it is crucial, that you understand the laws it is governed byHow to communicate with subconscious How to access the subconscious with self-hypnosisHow to create a smashing affirmation, that your subconscious mind will eat rawAn easy bulletproof self-hypnosis methodA proven transformation technique for changing beliefs at a core level, which can be applied to any problemHow to maintain the changes you make.And…. a free self-hypnosis mp3 track, that will ensure, that you reach the right level of relaxationWhy oh why can´t I change? you probably have asked yourself many times. Maybe the answer is, that you have been banging your head against the wall without knowing it. You have been using willpower alone to change yourself.
Thats why you have to understand, how your subconscious mind works, in order to use its vast potential. The subconscious is driven by habits, emotions, feelings and fantasy and predominates the conscious mind with a factor 100.
Regardless of your present and past, the key to success is reaffirming, what you once unconsciously chose to be your reality. What entered the subconscious mind can disappear again. Nothing is static.
You can use the technique to change bad habits, old outdated beliefs, addictions, lack of self-esteem, mental or physical conditions or enforce existing programs that work well for you.

The outcome can be anything from:
A stronger self-esteem, increased independency, a healthier slimmer body to more peace in mind, joy, improved focus, concentration and energy.

Bargain on 30th Dec 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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