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Through the years, substance addiction has become a

strategic issue. Most violence-related penalties constitute

a consequence of drugs and alcohol addiction, including a

significant part of the property crimes. This book

portrays the problem’s roots.

Approximately forty percent of those addicted to hard

substances, who come to ”Rothschild Two”, successfully

withdraw from substances. This saves the police and courts

work on tens of thousands of files, but even more so,

spares a great deal of suffering for the substance addicts,

their families, and the public as a whole. The key to this therapeutic success lies within

the implementation of innovative models for helping addiction victims and aiding in

their rehabilitation. The core of the model is identifying their cycle of suffering which

has guided their lives for years.

The author explains and demonstrates the relationship of past personal trauma among

substance addicts and their subsequent substance addiction.

Amir Pirani, born in 1959 in Kibbutz Nir David is married and father to three daughters.

Amir has lived in Tel Aviv for the past two decades. He founded and manages the

”Rothschild Two” therapeutic center, a part of the Social Services Administration,

Tel Aviv-Jaffa Municipality. The author possesses both individual and group therapeutic

experience, having treated thousands of individuals who suffered substance addiction

issues, yielding especially high recovery percentages. Pirani served his military reserve

service as an IDF Mental Health Officer, and has taught courses addressing psychoactive

substance addictions to Social Work students at Haifa University. He has written several

articles addressing substance addicted individuals, who are also victims of traumatic


In the heart of Tel Aviv, Amir Pirani has developed a unique therapeutic center,

surrounded by gardens and vegetation, fostering patients’ connection to the love of

humans, nature, and animals.

Bargain on 22nd Dec 16
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