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Bargain on 26th - 30th Sep 13
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Pages: 23


For over 45 years trusted pastor and teacher Rev. Allen Smith has delivered practical, Biblical insights for helping Christians grow in their own journey of faith.

This is a great book for anyone wanting to gain a further understanding of the plan of salvation and why Jesus died for us. It explains the Scriptures in a very easy to understand way, and is written in a very easy to understand format, while showing God’s vastness.
This book answers questions many people have regarding God’s gift of salvation. This information is covered very clearly, providing scripture to substantiate the comments on God’s plan for redemption. This book is short, simple and to the point, and will help readers develop a Bible-based theology of salvation and be encouraged to securely rest in their personal relationship with Christ.

Here are some questions that are asked and answered:

1. Why was Jesus born?
2. Why did He live on this earth for 33 ½ years?
3. Why did He have to die?
4. Why did He come back (resurrect) from the grave?

Rev. Smith hopes that this book about God’s saving grace may be adapted to the spiritual understanding of the unsaved that they may grasp the way of salvation from the pages of this book, and so be led to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved.

It is hoped, as well, that many who have believed may grow in Christ through this brief unfolding of the saving grace of God.

Use the ‘Look Inside’ feature to view book contents and don’t forget you can download a sample of “Why?” to your Kindle for free.

Bargain on 26th - 30th Sep 13
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