

Bargain on 16th - 20th Jun 24
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James Ivy, son of a pastor. He’s expected to follow the typical routine that his parents desire: Wake up, go to school, go to church, sleep.

His family is the stereotypical Christian household. No inappropriate shows, the only shows on their tv is the gospel. The only book you’re allowed to read is the bible. Say something wrong, you’ll get the belt. Do not question the bible, God knows best. Curfew is eight o’clock. Do not question authority.

Philip, the alleged future leader of the notorious Lancaster Church of Satan, embodies everything James’ parents warn him against. Yet, as their paths intersect, James finds himself drawn to Philip’s unapologetic individuality and unconventional wisdom.

Philip challenges everything James has been taught. Will he inspire Luke to break free from his suffocating upbringing, or will their differences tear them apart?

Bargain on 16th - 20th Jun 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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