
Bargain on 29th May 24 - 2nd Jun 24
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From the desk of your Favorite Amazon Best Selling Author Faith Johnson
Enjoy this wonderful Mail Order Bride Story about the Meredith Brothers Falling In Love and Getting Married (Or do They? Read more to find out…)

Tabitha Morrison has lived and worked in the wealthy Smith household since her father abandoned her as an infant. She was raised by the household maids to be quite adept at various tasks, and her life as a servant is all she has ever known. So when she is ready for a different life, she makes a bold decision. She will leave the world she knows and travel west as a mail-order bride.

Jacob Meredith is a kind man, and Tabitha is grateful for that. However, it seems he and his family have gotten the wrong idea about her. They believe she is from a wealthy family, and Tabitha is too embarrassed to tell the truth. What if they send her back home? Now, she has to pretend hard work is unknown to her and allow the Meredith family to handle most of the chores.

But when Tabitha is forced to reveal her secret, will she lose the first chance at love she?s found?

*** Click the BUY Button to Grab this great deal NOW ***

Bargain on 29th May 24 - 2nd Jun 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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