Author: Genre: Length: Novella

Free on 17th - 21st Jul 13
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How I Make $2739.57 Every Month? You Can Too.

I am not an author. I have not written any book in my life except the one you are going to read now.
I consistently make $2739.57 every month. HOW?
Creating and Marketing Kindle Books Has Never Been Easier.
You don’t need Author Platform.
Start your next Kindle book in the next 2 hours.
In 4 QUICK and SIMPLE Steps, I will tell you exactly what you need to do to create and market your book and make more money than what I am making right now.

WARNING: This is for authors with serious intention of becoming successful with Kindle Books.

STOP wasting time in setting up Author platform by Blogging, Writing in Facebook, Twitter etc.
In 2 hours, you will be ARMORED with details to start your first Kindle book.
In 7 days, you will be SUPER READY to publish your first Kindle book.
This is a step-by-step POWERFUL guide with lots of pictures to make your learning EASIER and FASTER.

Got Stuck? You don’t have any book idea?

3 SIMPLE and EASY Ways to Get Your First Book Idea.

How do you analyze the market for your book idea?

1 SIMPLE, POWERFUL,EFFECTIVE Way to Analyze the Market IMMEDIATELY for Your Kindle Book

What Steps Would You Take to ACTUALLY create your Book?

9 POWER Steps to Create Your Book

How would you Market Your First Book?

6 HIDDEN SECRETS to Market Your First Book. These secrets will TRIPLE your sales.

Additional Sections

The guide also goes in depth on the following topics
How to use KDP Select to improve your SALES.
How to use Google Keyword Tool to EFFECTIVELY Market Your Kindle Book
How can you Convert Your PASSION and Expertise into a MONEY-MAKING Book
How to Select a CLICKABLE and AMAZING cover Design
List of more than 75 POWER Words to Create Your Book Description
How to EFFECTIVELY use Book Description to Improve SEO
How to bring your book on to the First Page of Amazon Search Result
How to Choose Titles which PERSUADE the customers to click using
How to get your DREAM cover design from the Designer?
Where to Find EXCELLENT Cover Designs for your Book
How to use Reviews to Sell More Books?
How to make Your Competitor to Sell YOUR Book
How to Get Your Book Appear in “Customer Who Bought…” Section
What Color Should Be Your Cover Design?
What Fonts sell MORE Books?
How to get 70% ROYALTY from Amazon?
What Price to Choose To MAXIMIZE Your PROFIT?
How to sell your book FREE and STILL Make Money?
How to Get to the Top 100 Best Sellers List?
Do you need Page Break at the end of every page?
How to Find the RIGHT category to SELL MORE copies?
An AMAZING Way to figure out the number of copies sold from Sales Rank.

Free from: 2013-07-17 to 2013-07-21
Download from on Amazon.co.uk

Free on 17th - 21st Jul 13
View on Amazon.co.uk


"Would I have spent money on it if it wasn’t free on Amazon? Probably not, and for a fiction author I think it would be wasted."

Reviewer: .

I am in two minds about this book.

I should point out that I get very skeptical when I see titles like this. I did check and as far as I can tell it is not PLR or a re-labelled wikipedia article, which immediately places it above 90% of this type of book. The second thing I tend to check is the sales rank of the author's fiction or non-self help titles. In this case the fiction books are at 500,000, and most seem to have one 5-star review from the same reviewer (remember, we focus solely on the UK site here). Always remember if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Starting with the good then, and what is very good is the ebook's look. The formatting is clearly readable, the presentation effective, and there are a lot of authors and publishing houses who should take notes. The cover is good, clear and easily readable even in thumbnail. If the message of the book is that presentation is important, then it certainly practices what it preaches.

So what is this book about? Basically how to market ebooks to make money.

First, and I will say this upfront, the book is not aimed at fiction authors. On the very first page it tells you that the author "hired a writer to write my first book", and then published using KDP. It also tells you that the ebook needs to solve a problem, and gives various non-fiction and self-help titles as suggestions. This is purely about finding a niche and writing a book to fill it, so if you have written a novel or something read for pleasure this is not as useful.

This book is designed purely for those who want to use KDP as easy profit. The title is absolutely accurate - it tells you how to make money from Kindle books, just not necessarily the ones you've written.

Given how fast he suggests churning ebooks (7 days to cover ordering, writing and release is mentioned) it might also be very difficult for those who want to write their own books to follow his advice.

Could this strategy make a marketer a lot of money on Amazon? Yes. Could this work for an author? Less so. While this might be a good book for beginners, most of the advice here will already be familiar to more established authors or members of established groups. After 15 odd years in the publishing industry, I have to agree with some of his points. On the flip side of that though, similar advice is available for free online.

In conclusion I'd give it a reluctant three stars, but would I have spent money on it if it wasn't free on Amazon? Probably not, and for a fiction author I think it would be wasted.

Rating: 3

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