Review Index

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You are viewing reviews in Alphabetical order by title. (Page 1)
  • 10 Lost Inventions: That Might Have Changed The World As We Know It10 Lost Inventions: That Might Have Changed The World As We Know It
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    "Trivia fans, geeks and those interested in technology or engineering should all find something new in this book."
  • 131 Days (Book 1)131 Days (Book 1)
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    "Well-written and exciting, the novella sets up great things for a sequel, and is a good read in its own right."
  • 2041 Sanctuary (Dark Descent) (Ancient Origins)2041 Sanctuary (Dark Descent) (Ancient Origins)
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    "How has a book this good been so overlooked? Beautifully written British sci-fi, with suspense, action and mystery."
  • 3.a.m3.a.m
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 3
    "A great read, strong story and most readers will love this, but be aware that over half the book is made up of samples of other titles."
  • 5 Super Easy stories for Beginner readers5 Super Easy stories for Beginner readers
    (Review by DireCritical)
    Rating: 2
    "An activity book for parents to work through with early readers rather than 5 stories for children, with variable artwork and inconsistent formatting."
  • 64 (Mike Gallagher Mystery Series Book 1)64 (Mike Gallagher Mystery Series Book 1)
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 2
    " For American readers who want action scenes and republican politics, this would be good."
  • A Boo-tiful HalloweenA Boo-tiful Halloween
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    "A children's book, written in rhyme and nicely illustrated, this is an early reader, designed to be read with a parent."
  • A Book of Poetry for Young Adults: Book of PoemsA Book of Poetry for Young Adults: Book of Poems
    (Review by RhymeHunter)
    Rating: 3
    "There are several small gems in here that should appeal to most readers."
  • A Brief History of FailureA Brief History of Failure
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: DNF
    "It’s not bad, but not for me. "
  • A Christmas FeralA Christmas Feral
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 2
    "Definitely aimed at children, you know it is going to be upfront about its influence and sympathies on the first line, when it mentions Judge Scrooge. I was partway in (when his dead partner appeared) before I realised it was going to be a full retelling of a Christmas Carol with cats instead of ghosts. […]"
  • A Cold Goodbye: Ned Fain Private Investigator, Book 1A Cold Goodbye: Ned Fain Private Investigator, Book 1
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    "It's not just a good whodunit, it's a good whodunwhat and really good short story."
  • A Collection of Fantastic Short Bedtime storiesA Collection of Fantastic Short Bedtime stories
    (Review by DireCritical)
    Rating: 3
    "a decent book of short stories and poems to keep children entertained"
  • A Damsel for the DukeA Damsel for the Duke
    (Review by Angel)
    Rating: 4
    "A Regency Romance across the class divide."
  • A Deal on a HandshakeA Deal on a Handshake
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    "For mystery readers it will keep you guessing, but for Western fans, particularly those who enjoy tightly plotted works, this is definitely one to read."
  • A Fresh Beginning & MurderA Fresh Beginning & Murder
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 3
    " A brief, undemanding, diversion. For mystery readers looking for something complex or more challenging, this will possibly not be your read."
  • A Ghostly AssignmentA Ghostly Assignment
    (Review by Angel)
    Rating: 4
    " a well-written, coffee-break, ghost story"
  • A Girl’s Best FriendA Girl’s Best Friend
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: DNF
    "the formatting and grammar obscured the story completely"
  • A Hard ResetA Hard Reset
    (Review by Angel)
    Rating: 2
    "The start of a zombie outbreak, and the initial terror that occurs."
  • A Healing Hug for Alzheimer’s Caregivers: All About Caring, Grieving and Making Life BetterA Healing Hug for Alzheimer’s Caregivers: All About Caring, Grieving and Making Life Better
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    "An excellent resource to anyone coping with an Alzheimer's diagnosis in the family, or anyone who knows someone who is. Highly recommended."
  • A Horse called SeptemberA Horse called September
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    "Ideal for children (especially girls or those who love horses) this would appeal to anyone living in a rural setting, or those who wish they were."