Author: Genre: Length: Novella

Free on 20th - 24th Jun 17
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Do you love cats? Welcome to the world of Squirt, a quirky but lovable Somali cat. He is many things – warrior, loyal friend, teacher, raconteur, criminal, idle layabout. He might describe himself as a fearless crusader who takes on evil and adversity and wins – every time. In short he is a host of conflicting personalities, all jostling for space inside one small body.

Reservoir Cats is Squirt’s own story of his life with tales of the people, cats and dogs he loves – and those he doesn’t! Diary extracts, profound philosophies, acute and hilarious observations of the world and some innovative if somewhat strange ideas. As an added bonus he is happy to give advice on a range of subjects regardless of whether we need or even want it.

“If you want to learn the ancient art of Feng Shui just ask a cat.”

Squirt introduces his friends and enemies and takes us along on his exploits and adventures. Join him and his alter ego The Shadow as he plots revenge on the mysterious Box Man, takes the world of commerce by storm, arranges a world class sporting event and discovers something quite offensive on his doorstep. Funny, revealing and occasionally touching, Reservoir Cats confirms what many cat lovers have only hitherto suspected – that felines are capable of feeling the complete range of ‘human’ emotions, even two conflicting ones at the same time. Should we worry about this? Almost certainly.

“Felt terrible…..I realised with horror that one of her canine teeth was sticking out at a strange angle. Luckily I managed to stifle a snigger.”

Do you know why cats wear goggles?

What on earth would a cat do with a carrier bag?

Do you know the true meaning of ‘catastrophe’?

Squirt has all the answers!

To those who know him it is clear that Squirt is convinced that having a pedigree sets him apart from most other cats and bestows him with extraordinary talents. He assumes self importance as his birth right and believes in the superiority of cats, himself in particular.

Written for adults and children (ten years upwards), Reservoir Cats is a romp of a read for animal lovers! Download your free sample or use the ‘Look Inside’ feature for your first introduction to Squirt at his home in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. If you think that your cat just ambles through life doing nothing much apart from sleeping, eating and taking uneventful strolls outside it is highly likely that Squirt’s tales of the Reservoir Cats will change your mind.

You are sure to fall in love with this witty, irreverent, opinionated cat!

Free on 20th - 24th Jun 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


"For anyone looking for a couple of hours enjoyment, who knows, suffers and loves the little blighters..."

Reviewer: .

This is the tale of Squirt the cat and his adventures around his home in the Scottish countryside. Alongside his self proclaimed tales of derring-do Squirt, through the use of Staff at the computer, talks about other more general topics from his own feline point of view. We also meet other denizens of the area, his friends such as Wilbur and Smurf and enemies, TC and the evil Box Man.

The book is written as a selection of diary entries starting at just after his birth and chronicling his life and deeds interspersed with a selection of thoughts on cats, dogs, people, staff as they are known, and the wider world in general, at least as far as a cat is willing to understand it. Each entry, short though they are, gives a little bit extra each time, building up this world from a cats eye view, not just the area around, but the well-defined attitude that Squirt has.

I quite enjoyed these tales and as a cat owner myself, I can certainly relate to the viewpoints of both the cats and the poor staff left running around after them. The author certainly has spent plenty of time observing them, for the cats to feel as real as they do. The only issue I have with it is the length as it seems ripe for more stories. Hopefully the ending can give rise to a whole new set of tales.

I would recommend this book for anyone looking for a couple of hours enjoyment, who knows, suffers and loves the little blighters, and I hope that a new book of further adventures does come along.

Rating: 4

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jessica (6 March 2017)
I loved this book! :D Kitties at their best!!!

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