
Free on 12th - 15th Aug 16
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Take everyday household items and learn how to use these items to save your life in a life or death survival situation.

When disaster strikes your home or you find yourself lost in the wilderness without a fully stocked survival kit, you may believe all is lost. But this could not be any farther from the truth. A critical but too often overlooked element of any good survival plan is to take simple everyday items around your house and then apply those items into a variety of useful purposes related directly to you and your family’s survival.

Look around you. Your house, office, car, and even your trash cans are filled up with lots of things that you rarely think twice about. Several of these items can be utilized for a multitude of unique and incredible lifesaving applications beyond their marketed use.

This guide introduces you to exactly 25 such household items and outlines ten specific and unique ways that each can save your life.

For example, did you know that you can make a miniature barbecue grill out of an Altoids tin? Or that you can use an ordinary paperclip as a compass to tell your sense of direction? Or that you can convert a drinking straw into a torch?

These are just three of the more than 250 different survival hacks that you will learn about in detail in this book.

So turn the page and begin the learning process! Don’t forget that you can keep this book as a handy guide for the rest of your life and refer back to it at any point in the future. Ultimately, it could mean the difference between life and death not only for you, but for your family as well.

Free on 12th - 15th Aug 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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